Tuesday, January 3, 2017

December 24th (Christmas Eve!!)

Our new tradition of going to the movies on Christmas Eve. We chose Trollz since we haven't seen it yet and I figured it would be good entertainment for Ella.
Ready with popcorn and candy!!
The movie was super cute. Ella loved it.
After the movie we hung out at home and the girls got to open one present..which has been tradition since addie was one. They of course were supper excited.

New ponies for both girls...Ella's is a unicorn! They each got 3 baby ponies.

Time to get ready to go pick up Nanu and head to Nick's cousin's house in Pleasant Hill.
Pretty girls ready to go.

Little cousin picture!!
Ava (7), Adelyn (7), Marissa (13), Riley (1), and Ella (4).

They don's see each other very much but they always get along and have fun!
My little mini me!!
After fun at the cousin's house we dropped off Nanu and headed to Grandma and Grandpa's to open our traditional jammie present.
We all got matching pajamas this year!! The girls and I all match with onesie's and nick's match up with ours. I picked them out with my mom..lol.

Papa got snowflake pajamas.
 These girls are ready for bed and for Santa to come!! Time to hit the road and to hit the bed girls.
All snug in a bug with my pajamas.

Time for Santa to come...sweet dreams little girls!

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