Wednesday, January 4, 2017

December 25th (My Parents House...Dinner)

Look at these beautiful girls!! I only got one shot...they weren't feeling like taking a picture!
She still wasn't feeling the best.

Ella also got some pretty stick on earrings...she loves fake earrings right now!
 Cousin picture...Garret, Adelyn, Ella, and Colton.
Garrett is so cute and such a good 5 month old.

 Ella and Colton are always getting into something together....and Colton actually picks on Ella! Lol.
Pay backs Ella.

 Presents from Nanny and Dusty/Katie. Adelyn got a wobble bubble ball finally and a Turtle Rock to paint!! Fun. Oh and Storks movie!!

 Ella got light up blue and silver sketcher shoes and a tool set that she loved while playing at Colton's house one day.

Playing shopkin bingo with my girls before dinner.

Getting a picture in before dinner of our Family pic!
 Selfie with Uncle Stevie. rib!!
 I brought stuff over for Moscow Mules and mugs. Katie my cousin's wife and I have really hit it off over the last couple years. She also loves the mules!! Now we just need a babysitter!!
Ella loving the train we got for Colton.
Look at those eyes...he is so cute!
 Having so much fun together...Ella thinks Colton is super funny.

Love these two kids!!
What an amazing, long, fun, crazy, dramatic Christmas. Lol. Kind of glad it is over and excited for bed and to play with the girls tomorrow and all their toys!! Merry Christmas Everyone,.

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