Thursday, January 5, 2017

December 28th (Oak Park Mall Trip with Grandma Joy!)

 We walked into Oak Park Mall and found this giant pig that!! Pretty cool...i love pigs!
We went shopping and then hit up the food court for some lunch. Next was the merry go round!! I am not the biggest fan of spinning but I would do anything for my girls...well at least once.

Time to go to the Disney store and use the gift cards the girls got from my Grandma Judy. 
They looked around for awhile but Adelyn decided on a Moana barbie and Ella got Finding Dory set of characters!!

 Our last stop of the day was to the American Girl store. We have been in here many many times to play but never to buy. So Uncle Stevie asked what to get the girls and I said an American Girl gift card. The girls are not that interested in the American Girl Dolls but the bitty babies are a better suit for the girls. So we went in with many more people and they each picked out a baby. The best part is there was clearance...yay!! Ella's doll she picked was in a gift set that was 40% off..awesome. The one adelyn wanted was not in a gift set so she chose a doll, blanket and baby food. Two happy little girls!! Time to go home and play..

Ella's baby is sleeping.

Happy girl playing with her baby!!

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