Thursday, July 17, 2014

July 16th (Addie's Well Check!)

Today we headed out to Adelyn's dr. appt for her well check. Well she weighed 41 lbs. 56 percentile, and is 45 inches tall 86 percentile. She is a very healthy girl and had to get two shots. She screamed and was not happy, but got over it once she got stickers and a sucker.
We then headed out to Cheddar's to eat lunch with Grandma Joy, Grandma Jacky and Aunt Cindy. The girls ate well, we had catfish. Adelyn ate more than I
Grandma Joy and us headed out to Target to finish getting a baby shower gift for Saturday. Grandma enjoyed seeing the girls playing through the store. Ella has been getting more and more naughty!!
We got home and Ella took a nap. Adelyn got to play with Jasmine and after dinner we went for a walk with Jasmine. Nick has been doing a side job all week so the girls have missed him! Ready for the weekend to hang as a family again!

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