Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 19th (Easter FUN/Activities!!)

They are ready for the Easter Egg Hunt in Raymore!!
They put out 15,000 eggs this year!

It was a little scary this year since I was alone with both kids, Daddy had to work. I ended up losing Addie but luckily found her at the end of the field with a full bucket!
Ella got a couple with my help...she was a little overwhelmed by all the people!
We went with our neighbors The Giles but they had to go to a different area since Kelsey is older. So we found each other right after!
 Going through all their loot! They got a bunch of candy this year and Addie got a free week of karate classes, so did Kelsey and Peyton. Sweet!

They had fire trucks and an ambulance to go look at. Peyton was super excited.
                                                                  These 4 cuties!
Once we left we got some lunch to go and headed home to play outside in this gorgeous weather along with making some cookies! Once Ella went down I made homemade sugar cookies and then Adelyn and I iced them!

This new recipe turned out great and taste sugary actually!
Pinterest idea...once the eggs come out and are hot write on with a crayon. It kind of melts on the egg. Turned out pretty good..Adelyn had fun!
Time to decorate cookies!

 Adelyn has definitely been getting better as the years have gone on with decorating. Great job Adelyn.
            Somebody woke up just in time to decorate her own cookie! Still too little Ella.
Daddy got home and finished his yard work, so it was time to do Easter Egg dying!
Ella did great at dropping her eggs in...lol.

This little one would live outside if I let her. She also dyed herself with orange from the eggs so she had to get naked! lol
Tonight we had another fun night outside. Nick's parents, sister, her boyfriend, the neighbors..the Giles also came over to hang out. Adelyn got to stay up a little bit but went to bed sooner than last night. Ella of course was exhausted and went straight to bed for Nick. So we got to relax more tonight with the girls in bed. Everyone hung out till about midnight. Kara and I finally gave up to get ready for the Easter bunny! 

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