Monday, April 21, 2014

April 18th (S'mores Please!!)

Somebody LOVES corn! She ate a whole ear of corn!! I think it is helping with her teething also.
After dinner it is time to roast marshmallows with some of our neighbor friends!
Adelyn and our new neighbor, fast friend Jasmine! They were to cute together. Her dad Josh also joined us tonight.

Ella loved the marshmallows!!
 Peyton, Kelsey, Kara and Terry got home to join us. Lets do some more S'mores!! Yum.
Peyton was the cutest....he would go and get sticks with Nick and throw them in the fire. And then ask Nick again lets get some more!! Nick really needs that boy. We shall see.
Tonight was so much fun. The neighbors came over to hang out and roast marshmallows. Around 9 pm I put Ella to bed. The older kids ran around and played in the playroom. So we let them stay op until we went to bed...midnight!! Oh my gosh I know...that is the latest Adelyn has ever stayed up! lol But the kids were sooo happy..hard to tell them NO!

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