Monday, April 21, 2014

April 12th (Nick's Grandpa's Funeral!)

 Eating breakfast as a whole family...minus a few stragglers that slept in. lol
 After breakfast we headed back to our motel to hangout and get ready for the funeral.
Our pretty girl ready to go.
One of my new favorites of Daddy and Ella.
 This is the motel we stayed at...The Cotter Trout Lodge! It was clean so that was good.
We then headed to the was a very sad day for everyone. I didn't know his Grandpa well but I felt horrible for his grandma. The kids did ok but were bored. After words we went to the playground down at the church to let them get some energy out and to get away from the ticks.
Cousin Bentley

Cousin Landen
We enjoyed a really nice lunch provided by the ladies of the church. They were so nice and friendly there. Once we were done we headed back to Grandma's house to hang out and to let the kids have an Easter Egg hunt with the eggs I brought filled!
                                                           Easter Egg Hunt

                      Me and baby Peyton...isn't she adorable!! I got to hold this cutie a couple of times.

                                                        A lot of Nick's family!!
                                             Nick with his cousin's that were there.
                                                        The great grand kids!!

                                                          Grandma got in this pic.
                                               The Crowe family minus Mary.
Shooting guns!
Adelyn and Bentley best of buds.
We headed out around 3:30, the girls were done!!! They needed to sleep and get home.
Ella passed out very quickly.
Adelyn passed out as soon as Ella woke We stopped in Clinton at a Sonic to get some dinner and Addie slept through the whole thing. Ella loved being outside to eat at the picnic tables. We got home put the girls to bed and got to go to bed in our own beds!!

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