Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 10th (Jace's 2nd Birthday @ the Playground!)

Ella experiencing her 1st time in going through the car wash!! A little scared at first but wanted to do it again after it was done!
Adelyn thought it was fun! Today we headed out to run some errands. One being, cleaning the car inside and out. We are going out of town this weekend so it needed to be done! The girls were really good at hanging out while I vacuumed!
After a fun filled morning, we headed up for Adelyn's Kindergarten Screening. She did great of coarse...very proud!! Last to end our fun filled day we headed up to the play ground for Jace's 2nd Birthday Party~!!

The kids are about to run to play tag.

                                                    The birthday boy ready for "cake"!!

He chose spider-man cupcakes...they were delicious! We had a great time even though it got a little windy. The kids ran and had fun even if it got a little colder!! Time to go home and get ready to pack for tomorrow to go to Arkansas!

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