Wednesday, April 3, 2013

March 31st (Easter, Anniversary, and a overload!!!)

The Easter Bunny came!!!

Ella's favorite thing was her baby....just like sissy has.
Easter Egg Hunt time.
Ella found one.
Adelyn had so much fun this year.

Opening eggs...finding candy, toys, lip gloss, chapstick, nail polish, and jewelry...she loved it all.

Helping Daddy clean up sticks in the backyard while Ella and I played.
Bounce house at Nicole and Jose's house.
The girls are just to darn cute...I made them cute Easter shirts this year.
After our Easter hunting, breakfast and a long nap from Ella...we headed up to Walmart for a few things and fonu a PUPPY!!! lol

Meet MAYVA Benton!! She is a boxer/bull terrier mix...she is adorable.

Ella's face is priceless! LOL
The girls were so excited and happy that we got her.
Daddy telling Oliver that he is now out of his  hanging buddy.
We brought Oliver out to meet Mayva...they did really well especially for Oliver not ever meeting a dog before, but he is just now a year so he is still little.
Me and the girls!

Time to go inside to see how things go.

Somebody is getting tired...a long long day!!
Today was a fun filled day. We had so much fun watching the girls look into their Easter baskets and hunting for eggs. We enjoyed a yummy breakfast at home and just enjoyed being with each other as a family. Then when we headed up to Walmart we saw a couple in the parking lot with two puppies. We had to stop since we have started looking into getting a puppy. Well we decided after we got our stuff at Walmart if they were still there we would get one. Well we went to get the $20 and our groceries and they were still there. We chose Mayva, which was Adelyn's name she chose since she was the runt and the cutest of course!! We only want on cat and one dog so this worked great. The other puppy got taken also at the same time. I was excited but nervous about having a dog again...since the other two I have wanted another dog but all the puppy stuff that comes with a dog is the non fun part!! Will keep everyone posted on our family of 6!!!

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