Monday, April 8, 2013

April 5th (Fun filled day of Outside fun!)

Look at this cutie!! She is such a Diva.

Having fun playing in the sandbox on this beautiful day!! 
I love this pic of Adelyn...she is so pretty!! 
Ella loved the sand. 
Love their little feet!!

Ella's favorite thing to do is ride and ride and ride!!
We let Oliver out with us today for awhile...he loves to be outside.
Doesn't Oliver look like a panther in this picture!!

Jillian came over to play for a little bit before Ella's nap to play in the backyard. It is just so nice outside!!
Ella would live outside if I let her...I just wish she would start walking and it would be so much easier. 
Look at that sweet puppy face!! Mayva Moo I love you!

S'more time for the Benton's!!
Adelyn was so excited to do this all day...she loves s'mores and Ella loved the marshmellow for the first time.

Yum Yum Mommy!!

Today was a fun filled beautiful day. The girls and I enjoyed a day of being outside. Our puppy is starting to settle down a little bit...she still is play bitting but starting to get better. Happy Fun Day...can't wait for summer!!

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