Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April 6th (Ava's 1st Birthday Party!!)

Doesn't Ava look so cute in her outfit her mommy made her!!
Ava giving baby Aubree a hug...she was so sweet.
Amy and Kiel with there BIG one year old!
Bouncing fun with Bridget.

Ella and Ava's turn. Ella just sat there and didn't know what to do. lol
Bridget, Adelyn and Emerson...they are so cute!
Present time...she got some cute stuff.

All the girls enjoying their cake.
Erica enjoying her snickers ice cream bar...I think Aubree was wanting some also!! lol
Look at that cutie!

 Baby Aubree got a little sleepy!!
 Emerson was being super silly with Ella.
 Kisses from Ava to Aubree!
 The three of us with all of our kids...seven girls!!!!
 Ella and Ava having fun together.

Today we had so much fun at Ava's 1st birthday. There was great food, cake and ice cream bars. Ava was super happy and adorable. Ella and Adelyn loved playing with all there friends. After the party we carried on the fun at Jose Pepper's with Jenny, Phil and Brennan. Fun times!! Happy 1st birthday Ava.

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