Monday, April 29, 2013

April 25th (Nanny's Birthday @ Red Lobsters)

Blowing out candles on her cake Adelyn and I made her.

Tonight we headed out to Red Lobster in Lee's Summit for Nanny's birthday. Nick unfortunately had to work late and then head to darts from there. The girls and I had a fun I thought comical time. First off we got there and everyone had been there for an hour, but they had the time right. I forgot our gift card, but my parents luckily had a whole bunch in gift cards. So then we sit down and the girls are starving since it was 6 pm. So I got them so bread. Tried keeping Ella in the highchair but she was all freaked out for some she got to sit in my lap...the WHOLE dinner!! lol
Then we ordered chicken fingers for the girls, salad and I got the FEAST..whoop whoop!! Well the food got there really fast but I could barely eat since Ella wanted her "milky" and I had to hold it. So I was getting her to hold and and my chin while I tried to break open my crab legs and lobster. I was laughing to myself. The girls loved the crab and lobster!!
Luckily my mom was there to help a lot with Adelyn. Lastly we got to give Nanny her hot pink frosting vanilla tasted delicious. Adelyn made sure to clean her plate.
When it was time to go I packed up half of my food and the girls. And I just sat there with my mom for a second to get back to reality.....then it was time to load up!!
I got home gave them a bath and off to bed they went. Wow that was an adventure and it was only a couple of hours. Dinner time is always the hardest time. Happy b-day times!

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