Tuesday, April 2, 2013

March 30th (Easter Fun All Day Long/Anniversary Dinner)

Dying Easter Eggs this morning as a family!!
Adelyn did so great this year putting the eggs in.
Ella enjoyed doing it and just looking at the eggs...so  cute...last year Ella was so little.
Ella just loves playing with my big plastic spoons!!

This is how Ella gives kisses....nice BIG open mouth!! Love it!

Daddy got splashed in the eye and I got a shot of it. LOL
On to the Easter Egg hunt in Raymore...we made it just in time!!
And she's off.....going for the cotton candy!
Ella looking with Daddy.
Adelyn was too funny passing lots of eggs...Daddy said hopefully next year she gets A LOT!! I thought she did great....but Daddy is much more competitive.
Addie and all  her eggs.
After nap we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Livingston's to drop the girls off and to celebrate Easter a day early.
 Our famiily pic with the girls in there Easter dresses.
 Easter basket fun!!

 Ella loves her new sunglasses.
 Adelyn loved her new nightgown for her and her baby.
Today was so much fun and crazy at the same time. We had fun dying eggs, hunting eggs, getting easter baskets and spending time with family. Daddy and I also had so much fun having a little break from the girls for our 6th Year Anniversary dinner at Brio @ the plaza. I got a cute drink called a flirtini which was the same price as a whole bottle of wine I would normally buy...lol but I never splurge. Since it was such a nice night we got to walk around the plaza and ended up at the Melting Pot for chcolate fondue dessert for both of our first times...it was so good!!! We had a great night and enjoyed some time together.

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