Saturday, January 12, 2019

Janurary 4th (Prairie Fire with my Girls)

 Prairie Fire for our first time!! And it was FREE!!! If you go to the library they will give you a pass for 4 for FREE..just have to bring it back in a week! Awesome!! The kids loved it and we will definitely love this in the summer.
 We love Dinosaurs.
Making out own dinosaur.

 We made the t-rex named BLUE!
 Time to go into the dinosaur museum part.
 Wow so cool all these skeletons!!

 Wow what a giant Turtle Adelyn found. That's one she could ride on!!!
Ella found a giant fish.

 A MEGA-LADON giant jaw!!
 Now headed up to the kids nature center to discover!

Ella carried a magnifying glass everywhere we went!

   Honey comb
 Bat and flying lizards!!
Looking at rocks.
 These gems and rocks were pretty awesome.

Building with soft bricks.
Making houses for their dinosaurs, bugs and animals.

 We made another dinosaur before we left...Spike the Dragon.
I love the outside of this building.

Last stop getting $5 smoothies from Smoothie King for the win!! Yum-O!!
Great last official day of break before the last weekend!!

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