Thursday, January 24, 2019

January 13th (More Snow Fun!!)

1st down the big slide today! 
Nick added more snow at the bottom to help.

Reshub waving at the camera!
This slide is HUGE!!
Leo enjoying the snow with the kids.
Emma going down!

Making snow balls to hit people coming down the slide. HaHa.

Ella checking out the fort!
The kids did a great job making it.

Ella having fun in the snow.
Noah is here to slide!

We got the reindeer blown up from Christmas.
It goes fast.

Sister sliding down the hill in between our houses.

More snow to stop the kids from running into the street or truck.

Nicks turn to go down!

Ella's ready to go down!! She is so excited.

What are these three up too?

 A bunch of kids in our yard now!!
Cora is here to play and slide!

These kids are having a blast!

Go Cora!

After playing outside twice today we needed some hot chocolate!! Yum.
These kids had a blast today!! I might need a break from the snow fun for awhile.

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