Thursday, January 24, 2019

January 15th (Baby Max!)

I brought Adelyn lunch today for the first time this year since I have been working so much.
She requested goodcents and asked Daphne to eat with us. We went to the Pod area since 1st grade had indoor recess in the flex space and the lunch room is sooo loud!
Daphne photo bombed us! Ha.
Great lunch.
Jeff and Max came over so Jeff could help Nick with the basement.
I took Max with me to Cheerleading with Ella. He was running around everywhere!
We headed home to make dinner and play!

 Cousin picture!! They are so cute. Love Max's blue eyes.

I made dinner for everyone, oven baked whole chicken! Max loved it all. Then I had to leave at 6:30 for lion stampede meeting!! 

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