I tried something new this year....I saw on Pinterest.
I did it a little differently by just numbering the balloons and putting an activity in each one, but not by the hour so we can pop when we wanted or needed too.
Excited to pop the 1st balloon!
Adelyn popped the first one...MAKING BROWNIES!Yum these will be for after dinner tonight!
Ella made a choo choo train for Addie and the stuffed animals.
At 11 am Ella got to pop the 2nd balloon- EATING LUNCH! Ha...I just through this one in there.
Adelyn helped me make a sign!!
Its been raining all morning! Then like magic it turned to big HUGE snowflakes!!
Nick also had to work in the rain all morning. But then he got home to pop the 3rd balloon-GO SWIMMING!!
We all got changed and headed up to the Community Center to go swimming!
There were a lot of people up here...but lets swim!!
Adelyn coming down the slide.
Ella is still just an inch shy of being able to go down the slide!
Headed over to the baby pool area for Ella.
And they are off!
Nick and I got in the water also. We swam for a little over an hour then decided to head home since Ella choked on a bunch of water. Oh geez...she needs to keep her mouth closed...crazy girl.
Time to pop balloon number 4...MAKING SLIME KITS!
The girls received slim kits from Auntie Lisa and Nanu for Christmas. So I thought it was perfect for today.
It was nice Ella's slime was already made up and you just added little jewels to it.
Adelyn got to make her own slime but it was all in the kit. Pretty easy.
Fancy make up for us all.
I had them pop the 6th one right before nails because it was.....WATCH A MOVIE.
We went to Family Video on our way home from the pool.
They picked some Scooby Doo movies out.
It's always easier to paint there nails while they watch tv.As they watch their movie Nick and I get dinner going! Yum o....lobster and steak!! These kids are spoiled!!
Wow this looks amazing!! Time to dig in and enjoy!!
Adelyn drinking her white sparkling grape juice with gummi bears at the bottom.
(Saw this on Pinterest also!)
After dinner, I cleaned up and got the chocolate fondue going.
They popped number 7.....NEW YEARS EVE INTERVIEW.
I interviewed the girls and asked them questions about themselves and then you do it every year to see how there answers change.
Then they popped number 8 balloon....PLAY MINUTE TO WIN IT GAMES.
Water Pong!! Gotta start them early, right???Adelyn and me vs. Nick and Ella.
He missed.
Adelyn did good at bouncing them in....wahoo.
Ella made two in...yay!!
Adelyn and I won...hahha! Time to switch partners.Well Ella and I won also!! Hahha. Nick was not thrilled..hahha. Ella made two more in also!!
Time to take a break and have some chocolate fondue!! Yummy.
Brownies, strawberries and marshmallows with chocolate...um yes please!
Adelyn totally approves!
Daddy is enjoying himself!
This was sooooo good!Balloon number 9...BOARD GAMES AND CARD GAMES.
1st up PIE FACE.
I got hit in the face.
Lots of cool whip in the face.
Oliver even got to eat some!!
Interesting game.
You make your own meme's with Disney pictures. Cute game.
It's about time for bed and the last balloon!!
Ella was ready for bed!!
Ella got to pop the last one!!
Balloon number 10 said.....HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Its 9 pm time for bed for these girls who don't sleep in well!
Ella fell asleep around 9:30 and Adelyn went to bed around 10.
Time for Nick and I to enjoy some drinks and head over to the neighbors to celebrate a little!
Kim, Heather, and me!!
Denis, Bill and Nick.
It's midnight!! Having a glass of champagne to end the night!
Wow look how pretty Nick's eyes look with this snapchat! ha.
Bill and Heather.
Happy New Year!!
Hope this year is another great one with my friends and family!!
Wow! What an amazing day full of New Year surprises!! How cool and special for the girls!