Friday, November 9, 2018

October 31st (Happy Halloween)

We started out our morning opening presents from Mommy!!

Ready for school in some Halloween outfits!!

Right before I got this picture they were fighting...haha.
I took the girls to school then I came home to finish cleaning and making things for tonight with people coming over for Halloween!
I found Mayva sleeping with Addie's beanie Boo's!! So sweet.
Around 10:30 I headed to Sarah's house down the street with Lizzie to go to her 1st annual...Bewitching Brunch!! Um yes!!
She set up sooo adorable.
 I love all her touches!!
 So spooky and fun!
I got mine with Apple delicious!!

 Brunch is ready!!
Lizzie and I trying to figure out the timer on my phone...we didn't know it was working...haha.
We then just used Lizzie's camera for a group photo!
Janet, Pamela, Lizzie, Me, Erika, Ruth, Sarah and April!!
Great fun ladies.
(FYI-Pamela was Belle for work!!)
Getting my cook on...Steak Soup for dinner.
Having fun with snapchat!!

I headed up to Adelyn's school at 2:15 to see them in the parade and to the parties!
Here is Daphne and Addie.
Time for the parade to start!!
Lauren as a hippee!!
Cora as a Jelly fish!
Violet the Purple Dragon.
Headed inside for the combined classrooms 4th grade parties!!
Belle (Pamela), Hippee (Ruth)

 Anjali, Delaney, Aubree, Daphne and Addie.
 Tinsley, Kia, and Ellie.
 Some of the boys.
 Girl table.

 Mrs. Andersen's class!
After eating time for games.

Love you girl.

Adelyn won in bingo and got a cupcake!
Nora and Delaney twins.
Holly, Daphne, Adelyn and Abby...Volleyball teammates!
My mom picked up Ella from school and met us at home.
She brought their Halloween gifts!

New spider Beanie Boo's!!

 Grandma and her girls!
Friends are here around 5:30...with food and drinks!!
 Yum...lots of food!!

 Rolls and steak soup for the win!
We have a big crew this year!!
Group shot and time to trick or treat!!
 Daphne, Addie, Violet, Ella, Tucker, Eli, Carder, Noah, Ewin, And Porter.

 Family photo!!!
 Lets go get some candy!!
We found Jake across the street!!
He is a little stinky sknuk! Love it.
 Violet and Ella know how to travel.

Adelyn is a dead prom queen!!

 Ruth, Lizzie, Bekah, Eva and Me.

 Sweet sisters.
 Jumping in leaves!!
 Mom photo!!

Matt got here just after the first picture...Dad pic!!
What a great Halloween...had an amazing time.
Nick and Eva's husband (Rob) got along friends!!

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