Tuesday, November 20, 2018

November 10th (Jake's Birthday Party/Ally's Wedding)

 Ella and Adelyn went with Nick to Jakes birthday party from 2:30-4:30 at Elite. I stayed home to get ready for our good family friends wedding. My mom got dropped off from my stepdad to ride with me downtown to the church and venue.
We are already to go!!
The church was a bit of a pain because there wasn't a parking lot.
We finally parked and got inside and chatted with some other friends of the family.
Here they come!
Ashleigh...my friend!!
Emily her sister.
Emily's daughter Grace as the flower girl...she is adorable.
Here comes Ally with her dad Terry.
Terry was my dad's best friend...so we have known them since before I was born.

Her dress was gorgeous!!

They are married!! 
Time to head to the venue down by Union Station.
Super busy down here tonight!
 The city looks very pretty all lit up with lights!
Well there wasn't any parking at the venue...holy shit seriously!!!!! It took us 30 minutes to park and walk awhile just to get to the venue. Crazy!!
We are ready to eat...they made us sit down before we could get appetizers!
We finally ate at 8:30, which the food was delicious!!
Now the cake and champagne toasts!

Photo Booth.
Dessert time...the real reason why I go to weddings...the cake! Duh!
Well we left around 10:15 to head home.
I love how this sign is all lit up again!!
Great night...girls night out!!

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