Monday, May 11, 2015

May 2nd (TEXAS TRIP DAY 1)

At the airport extra early...I think it was 5:45. Yes crazy early but that is when the flight was. 
On the airplane finally...6:45 am....the girls are doing great and are super excited. Ella's first flight!

Daddy sitting across the aisle from us.

We are getting close to landing. Ella did pretty well till she had to put her seat belt back on. Adelyn loved it especially looking outside the window. 
We landed in Houston!! We didn't have to go far to get the rental car...which was not busy since we were there at 8:20 in the morning. lol. We were off then to the Downtown Aquarium to see some white tigers...I know right White Tigers but that is awesome...Adelyn's favorite.

This fish was huge..almost as big as ella.
The aquarium had really cool ways to look at all the fish.

The tigers were at the end...there was only one out, but it was amazing!! So beautiful. Adelyn was super happy to see one in person!!

                                                                        Family Picture
Gift shop fun with Ella! lol.
                            Daddy, Mommy and Ella all touched the stingray....then Addie finally did.
                                                                      Slimy and fun.
So now we were all starving and went to try to find a lunch place. Since this place was downtown there wasn't much. So we kept driving got stuck in some traffic and ended at a McDonald's. Cheap, fast and easy!
We then hit the road to head towards Galveston, but first stop the NASA Space Center.
Palm trees in Houston.
 Tired little girls.

We made it. 

                                                                Very cool inside the museum part.

 Riding on the tram to go to the the training facility for the astronauts...the girls loved the tram.

Longhorns on the facility.

                                   This is were they train the astronauts and new space things.

And this is about the time that I knew I had STREP throat started hurting getting off the plane, but kept getting worse. And at this point I started feeling achy and my throat was really bad. But I had to keep going for a little bit longer.

Last stop of the tram before they took us back to the main building/museum.

A real rocket.

 Now it was time to go find a Walgreen's with a walk in clinic to get mommy better. So that is what we did and I had Strep and got a high dose of medicine! Wow what a great start to a vacation.
After we hit A LOT of TRAFFIC...I could never live in Houston...traffic is horrible. Once the kids fell asleep it was a lot better and then we saw the water after about an hour an a half with traffic. Yay!

Going over the huge bridge to Galveston Island!!

Cute house!
So we finally got to Galveston around 5:30 and got into the condo, which was right on the beach. But I felt horrible and wanted to just sleep. I kept going though and we went to eat at a Mexican restaurant close to the condo. Once we got back Nick took the girls swimming at about 7 pm and I laid down finally. Ella ended up sleeping with me and Nick slept in one of the bunk beds with Adelyn up top. I hoped tomorrow would be better!!

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