Sunday, May 10, 2015

April 30th (Packing/Adelyn Art Show)

                                  Oh you know just relaxing on the deck!! She is so cute.

My life is boxes right much fun!! Ready to move.
Wanted to take a picture of Addie's room before I started putting more stuff away. All her BIG eyes!! lol

Ella's room.
After some packing and cleaning up time to walk up and get addie from school on this gorgeous day.
Backward walking from Adelyn.
I love watching them walk home together.
We hung out at home for a little bit and had a snack. Then it was off to Adelyn's school to see her artwork. I thought she might have more than one piece but this is all we found. It was very good and I was proud of her. Then they square danced in the gym. 

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