Sunday, May 10, 2015

May 1st (I can't believe its MAY!!! Zoo trip with Adelyn!!)

 Adelyn is so excited to go on the bus with her friends, unfortunately I couldn't since Ella wasn't allowed on bus. I had to get a shot of her getting on the bus.
                                Now we are at the zoo with lots of friends. Fun time at the zoo.

Adelyn, Lillian (one of best friends from class), Jayden, and Jasmine (neighbor/friend).
Time to ride the tram to africa!!

We had lots of fun at the zoo. It was the perfect day also. We hung out with Lillian and her mom most of the day then Allison (Jasmine's mom) met up with us again and she rode home with me. Well we made a stop at sonic, a stop a furniture to pay off our new furniture, and the library to print something off. Once we got home about 45 mins later it was time to head back up to school with a walk together to get the girls. They said they loved the bus ride...Adelyn's favorite part! lol. What a fun filled Friday and now it is time to get ready for Texas tomorrow morning!!
                                      (Last minute family vacation before we move!!)

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