Sunday, February 22, 2015

February 17th (Ella's 1st Day of Preschool!!)

My big girl going to preschool!

She is very excited for school!
Adelyn was excited to go check out Ella's room and her new teacher. She wanted to make sure it was ok for her...she is such a sweet big sister.
Ella with her teacher Mrs. Laura...she seems super nice and very involved. Ella has 3 other kids in her class. I am so excited/nervous!! When we left I handed her off to Mrs Laura and headed out before she could cry. 
Ella after she got picked up from school. She had an awesome first day and never cried. excited.
When I picked Adelyn up from school today she had lost her 4th tooth!! Wow so cool...she has lost 2 at school and 2 at home! lol. She looks to adorable now.

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