Monday, February 16, 2015

February 12th (Mommy's Birthday!!)

Doing a good job of feeding herself now!!
Adelyn's ready for her Valentine card exchange at school with her box!!
I went up with Ella to eat lunch with Addie today since they weren't having a party.
This is one of Addie's friends Mena..she is so funny and cute.
Let me say though that it was an adventure eating lunch with Addie's classmates for the first time. Eating at the table with 3 little boys across from you is very entertaining. lol
We then went in for indoor recess for a little while.
Dancing fun...Ella loved it.

Love being able to see my little girl at school.
                             Another classmate...Jayden..he is such a sweet boy.
Kyran another classmate...I know her mom.
After our fun Ella and I went home and hung out for the day. She isn't taking naps right now since she has the toddler bed.
We went to get Addie and it was Valentine time.

Daddy got home to bring me my gift....a beautiful purple sapphire necklace!
Very sweet..not expected at all.

Time for candles after some chicken tacos!!

                                      Trying to get a shot of my necklace with my hubby.
                            Overall a good birthday...can't believe I am 32...time sure flies bye.

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