Monday, February 16, 2015

February 13th (Playdate/Mommies dinner Birthday)

This morning we went to our friend/neighbors for a play date. The kids had so much fun playing with one another especially Addie and Jillian. Ella and Jace always seem to fight over the same toy...hahaha.
Adelyn ended up staying the night over at Jillians while Ella and I went home to eat lunch. We did a little cleaning and then Ella fell asleep on my lap while watching tv. I was glad she got a nap in before we went out tonight for my birthday.
My grown up looking almost 3 year old Ella Bella Boo Boo!!
She is so big looking.

Love this one of the girls.
Kyotos Japanese Steak House for dinner along with some sushi rolls!

Grandma and Grandpa.
Stevie, Daddy and Ella.
So excited for some Japanese...this place is packed though the day before Valentines Day!

Our guy was really good...Ella loved it.
Her face was priceless!
She was like, whoa when it was the fire.

After our yummy dinner we headed home and the girls opened their Valentine presents from Grandma Joy and Grandpa A.D.
Another BIG eyed Beanie Boo!!

They also got some yummy suckers. Well dinner was really good...great night with my family.

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