Wednesday, December 24, 2014

December 23rd (Play date/Christmas Party!!)

Swimming play date with the Wages!! Brennen and his friend joined us also. The kids played for over an hour until the daycare came then it was time to go!
We then headed out to get some lunch at Burger King and to home we went to get ready for the party later!! Need to clean and prepare!!
I had to get a shot of Ella tonight with her baby like when Adelyn wore it in 2011! They both looked adorable!
 2011 Adelyn

Ohhh how sweet...she loves her baby dolls!
Pretty Adelyn.
Tompkins, Simmon's, Benton Christmas Party!!

                                  Everyone is here except Wes and Emerson...poor Emmi is sick!!

                                                              The littles all together!!

2009!! Our baby girls have gotten sooo BIG!!

Erica, me and Amy!
Time to decorate our snowmen ice cream guys! Pinterest idea!

                                      Time for presents...they didn't even ask but it was getting late!

New blankets from Erica...they love them!!

Kiel and Nick...Clash of!
                                                           PJ's minus Aubree who had a melt down!
See...getting late for the Simmon's girls!
Trying it again...they just weren't feeling it.

 Wow the group photo turned out awesome this year...everyone looking!! We need to plug in Wes and Emerson somewhere!!
What a great night of playing, eating, and catching up with chatting!! I love our get together's especially the kids just having so much fun! Happy Holidays Everyone!!!!!

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