Wednesday, December 24, 2014

December 21st (Crab legs with Nick's Family!!)

Ella with her new boa from the Hook Christmas!
Bailey, Brennen and Jasmine. They just had to get in the hot tub, so they borrowed some clothes! They thought they were pretty cool! lol...oh to be 15 again!
The Benton Family!!

The past couple of days and the days ahead are going to be packed full of fun and craziness!! Today Craig came over to watch the Chiefs game with Nick. I got a phone call to go hang out with Hollie for a girls day. Heck yah! So we headed out to Charchoose caboose for lunch and then shopping around Lee's Summit. So much fun and to end our day a mint chocolate chip shake from Baskin Robins.
When I got home it was crab time!! Lisa, the kids, and Sherri where there now. We enjoyed some yummy king crab and my augratin potatoes! Then I started baking/making dough for the baking day at my mom's tomorrow. Fun filled day and night! I am sooo tired now!

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