Saturday, December 26, 2009

December 21st (Baking @ Grandma and Grandpa's House)

Never thought I would be baking with a 7 month old in my arms!!

Taking a break and eating Panda Express...yum yum.

Addie loves playing with her daddy's hat.

She loves the cats...but they aren't to fond of her.

We stopped by the Tompkin's house to bring Mia a book, some Homemade Apple Pear Sauce and treats that we baked all day.

We also stopped by the Simmon's house to bring them the treats and presents as well!! And Erica made us the cutest Ornament of our whole family...thanks so much Erica!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for coming over! The treats were delicious! Bridget loved her homemade pear-applesauce:) We really enjoyed the book too! That was just so sweet of you guys!

    I hope you had a very Merry Christmas!
