Sunday, December 20, 2009

December 19th (Hook Christmas @ the Lightle's)

Our House

Adelyn loves to play in her bumbo chair now!!

Daddy and Addie.

Me and my baby girl.

Heading to the Hook Christmas!!

The Lightle's House

Keri and Addie

Great Grandpa with Adelyn...his favorite!!

Great Grandma Jacky loves her Adelyn!!

She is just to cute!!

Cousin Keri also loves being with Adelyn also.

Adelyn would not look at the camera for nothing all evening.

Pulling up on everything...thankfully my Aunt and Uncles table is rounded.

My mom Joy, Aunt Cindy and Aunt Maggie.

Aunt Cindy with Addie. (who didn't wanted to be held all night)

Cousin Jordan and Adelyn.

Aunt Leslie and Addie.

Cousin Cooper.

Cousin Cooper and Cousin Ally!!

Cousin Jordan was reading Adelyn her favorite book with Cousin Sarah looking by.

My mom, brother Stephen and Nick.

Uncle Kevin, Cousin Quinn, and Uncle David.

Mom and David

Grandpa A.D. and Grandma Jacky

Adelyn's first Christmas Presents.

She got a cute outfit from the Hooks.

The bongo set from Great Grandpa A.D. and Grandma Jacky.

And two more outfits from the Lightle's and Jones families.

She loved the bongos.

Liam and Cousin Aidan playing with Thomas the Train.

The cousins...Jordan, Lisa and Cooper.

Tonight we went to my Aunt Maggie and Uncle Dan's for Christmas. It was a little stressful because it was loud and Adelyn doesn't like being past around from person to person but all in all there was good food and loved being with family!! Can't wait for Christmas Day.

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