Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December 14th (6 month check-up @ the doctors)

Today we went to the doctor finally for Adelyn's 6 month check up even though she is already 6 1/2 months old today!! The doctor said she looked great and is advanced physically with all the crawling, pulling up and sitting. Adelyn weighed in at 16 lbs. 6 oz...the 45th percentile and was 27 inches long..the 90th percentile!! So she is light and long just like how her mommy was at her age. Adelyn also has her two bottom teeth all the way through and is working on her top two teeth. She is eating all vegetables and fruits and is starting to eat three small meals a day plus snacks!! She also is starting to sleep a little better with bedtime and taking longer naps during the day...which is nice for mommy and daddy!!
BIG Update: Addie just started walking while holding onto furniture today!! It is crazy...i posted it on Youtube.com because she ended up hitting herself in the process of learning in the playroom but it was hillarious!! She wasn't hurt it just looks like it....if you want to see check it out at Crashing Baby on Youtube.

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