Our House
Time for Christmas Morning!!

Addie got a cool walker from Santa!!

Books and stackers from Addie's stocking!!

Adelyn's first Cabbage Patch Doll!!

Too Cute!!
Grandpa and Grandma Livingston's House

The car Grandma and Grandpa gave Adelyn.

I love piggy's.

Don't worry it's just a boxer can!! He he..she thought it would be cold like daddy's beers.

Family ornament from my mom!!


Cool table from Great Grandparent's.

Sleepy baby right before everyone else shows up for Christmas Dinner!!

Checking out all the snow.

4 Generations

Great Grandpa A.D. and Great Grandma Jacky...they just love Addie!!

Grandma Joy

My little Angel!!

In my parents bathroom...Adelyn discovered the mirrors and loved them!!

Cousin Dusty and his girlfriend Cassie.
Christmas was great this year having Adelyn get to experience all the fun and family. It was a little difficult going from place to place with her but next year will be easier and will be even more fun with her being older. Nick and I had so much fun experiencing being a kid again with our little girl!!
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