Thursday, September 12, 2024

August 24th (OE Volleyball/Adelyn's Room/Building Champions Day)

Adelyn made the Volleyball Team with Olathe East High School!!
We haven't taken any pictures since she ended up getting a mild concussion during the 3rd day of tryouts! Ugh! A girl served really hard and didn't make it over the net but instead hit Adelyn in the back of the head!
I started writing down her schedule to have and put in my calendar.

Wanted documentation of Adelyn's room, well what it looks like most of the time! 
(Eye roll from me!!)

Today we headed to Home Field to try on Uniforms and get info for Adelyn's new club team, Building Champions! Alazne, Sarah, Riyn, Kaitlyn and Addie. Together still plus a few more that weren't there.
Can't wait for club!


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