Thursday, September 12, 2024

August 23rd (Ella Picture Day/My Day/Ella @ School/Look A Like)

Ella has picture day today!
Looking so cute.
This afternoon I sat down and indulged in some Real Housewives of OC and had some food!
(Side Note: I started re-watching all the Real Housewives of the OC from the beginning on Peacock! I love it and there are so many seasons.)
Pictures from Ella's school.
Making cupcakes.

Came across this girl that looks just like Darcy!! Crazy the resemblance!
They need to meet in real life, ha.
Ella enjoyed her frosting. She brought the cupcake home for Daddy.
Ella playing in her room. I love spying on her with the camera. Well actually I am checking on her making her she didn't have a seizure.

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