Friday, August 23, 2024

July 21st (Day 4: Leaving Ohio & Headed to Santa Claus Indiana-Starbucks/Yellow Springs-Dave Chappelle/Jeff's Donuts/KY-Owensboro Airbnb)

This morning we got up ate breakfast. Got everything packed up and loaded up in the car ready to drive to Indiana! Starbucks for everyone!
Seriously corn everywhere!
Cutest littlest towns we went through!
So we took a detour to Yellow Springs where Dave Chappelle lives!
How cool!
It's a tiny town, we found his house but all you can see is the gate.
Nick and I have always loved Dave Chappelle.
Time to go explore the town.

We are here.
We got some little treasures from an older couple selling stuff on the side of the road then we parked to go walk around.
Old cute movie theater! Love that stuff.

Cool bench.
Ella got some new glasses.
Adelyn picked this super cute dried flowers necklace.

Dave Chappelle's comedy club he built and performs at. Too bad not today!
Found his store but it wasn't open.
Cute Corgi dogs in this old looking hotel and restaurant. It was too busy so we couldn't eat here.

Cute hotel and restaurant.
We ate here outside under the roof, it was pretty good.
This town is too cute.
We went to leave and tried to find this river but we would have had to walk to far.
Saw a deer.
Leaving the town then we saw the Chappell's Store was open.
Closest we got to Dave!
Whimsical shop!

Old Church we drove by.
Cute houses through all these towns.
Cincinnati, OH

Boo...Bengals practice facility!

Cool Bridge.
Pretty trees and mountains.
Going in a tunnel!!
Ella liked this part.
Another cool bridge.

Then back to Indiana to go to Santa Claus.
Then we saw a sign for Donuts, so we had to stop!

We are here.
The store I wanted to go to! Unfortunately it wasn't as what I pictured in my was in a strip mall, lol! The inside was filled with everything Christmas!!

Harry potter Christmas village.

We looked around for awhile then I bought an ornament.
Had to get a picture with Santa.
There isn't much in Santa Claus, Indiana other than Holiday World which we are going to tomorrow.
A coal plant, huge and creepy.
Another awesome bridge!

Now we are back in KY!
Headed to Owensboro, KY to the Airbnb.

Jeff's doughnuts, they are so good!

This house is so nice, brand new!!

Adelyn had her own room that was similar.
I made a little dinner for us all.
Time to get some rest, getting up to head to Holiday World tomorrow morning!


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