Saturday, August 17, 2024

July 19th (Day 2-1st Day of PMG-All Day/Utica-Velvet Ice Cream Ye Olde Mill/Hayden Falls Waterfall/Pizza/Bucketye Dounts-Croughnut)

We got to the convention around 9:15 am.
Got Adelyn and Ella settled in the kids room were they have lots of activities and volunteers to help. They didn't have as many volunteers as last time, so we used Ella's helmet plus Adelyn said she didn't mind helping.

We had lunch provided by the hotel, wasn't very good.
We stayed most of the day watching speeches.

Adelyn is such an amazing big sister to help with her!
We really appreciate her ALOT!!
(If you finally read this one day Adelyn, I love you to the moon and back!)

Neurologist that are specialist to PMG came, which was awesome. 
I am going to get a FREE kit to get genetic testing done for Nick, Ella and I. We have already done it but Nick didn't get his in, in time so we didn't get his results.
I was chatting and getting tests so Nick took Ella and Adelyn around the fountain pond that is at the really nice hotel.

Look who got their face painted!!
She wanted rainbow cat...I think they nailed it.
Well we opted to skip out on the parent speakers and go get some ice cream from Velvet Ice Cream in Utica.

The huge buckeye tree!! Beautiful.
This place is 110 years old!! WOW!
This place is so cute.

This place is so fun! Lots of flavors.
Nick and I opted for a flight so we can try more flavors! Yum.
Adelyn opted for 2 different types of chocolate scoops!
Yum, this ice cream is AMAZING!!

Ella hadn't eaten a lot today so she started to take a nose dive after this picture!!  
Ugh time to go!

Headed back to Columbus to see a waterfall called Hayden Falls.
Corn, corn and more corn!
Hayden falls right in the middle of the city.
Just a few stairs to the waterfall.

So pretty here.
Here it is, the HUGE waterfall!!
Every time we go to a waterfall it is a trickle, ha.

Young couple there took our pics for us.

We headed back to Airbnb and got pizza for dinner.
After dinner the girls stayed back at the place while Nick and I headed to Buckeye Donuts for some Croughnuts and other donuts!

Um can you say YUM-O!!

So I have wanted to try a croughnut since I had seen them on tv in New York years ago. These looked more like a crescent roll but they were huge!! This thing was soooo good! Nick was in heaven!! He said one of the best things he had ever eaten.


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