Friday, February 17, 2023

January 28th (Adelyn's Volleyball Tournament/Erica's 40th Birthday Celebration-Airbnb on the Plaza/Rochester Brewing/Intercontinental/Cooper's Hawk/PJ Time)

Driving to Belton High School for Adelyn's Volleyball tournament at 7 am!
Beautiful outside this morning!
Good old "B" town! Ha.
Coach climbing up to get something from his wife. Ha.

Lets go Attack! Playing the other Attack team.
Some of the mom's!! 
Wow 60-4. Uh no, wrong way refs! This is why it would be nice if teams didn't ref. 


She hates being line judge! Ha.
Auntie Lisa is here, oh and some weirdo's behind us.

I left after a couple games to head home to get ready for Erica's birthday celebration.
I got home to eat lunch and see Nick and Ella for a little while before they headed out to Belton to watch Adelyn.
Lisa went home for awhile then met them to watch the rest of the day.
I go to the airbnb at 2 pm to set stuff up. Darcy and Tina met me to help!
Ready for Erica!
Erica's here and she is officially 40!!

She has all her favs here!
I took a sip, but gross!
After a little hanging out we headed out to Rochester Brewing Company

I got a flight! They are too cute.
We had fun chatting!
Time to head back to the airbnb to have a drink and get changed for dinner!

Erica making me feel weird, lol.
Time to walk to the Intercontinental to grab a drink and take some pics!

Walking in the cold, but it was only a 10 min walk.
Light were kept up longer this year! So fun seeing them for the 2nd time this year.

This hotel is so pretty inside!
(Funny story the lady in pink was sitting with a famous blogger lady and Alex Gordon's wife)
Ali and Sarah were too funny watching them and whispering about them. Ha.
I wouldn't have even known who they were?? Lol.

Also Sarah ran into a formal student, she is a high school teacher! He took this picture for us! Love the background!!
Time to head to Cooper's Hawk, walking about 6 mins for our reservation!

We made it! Yay!

I got the grouper, yummy. But a little expensive. 
Erica was too sweet and picked up the whole bill!
Some people headed back early in a uber, while some us stayed and chatted some more.
Erica's friend Sarah is so sweet, I like her.
Back at the airbnb ready to put on our matching jammies!

We ate yummy treats that I made and talked!
We were all getting tired and headed to bed a little before 12 I think! Lol.


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