Monday, January 22, 2018

January 19th (Friday Night!)

 This has been our life for the last week!!
I thought I was going to send Ella to school today but she woke up looking miserable. She hasn't had a fever for over 24 hours but she looked sick and was now starting the cough. 
I had to run a couple errands today so she went with me. Then we came home and she passed out on the couch!! My poor baby.

I started giving the girls these different gummies to help them get or stay healthy.
Ella ended up drinking a little then went up to her room to sleep again...about an hour and a half nap.
I got to clean and get a few things done around the house. I also rested...since I am still exhausted from the flu.
Nick got home and we grilled out a nice steak was super yummy.
It's been hard to taste a lot with this cold but the steaks I tasted and were delicious.

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