Friday, January 19, 2018

January 12th (Basketball/Nick is Sick)

Coloring away while silly plays. Come on Hot Shots.

Sweet Charlee.

 Addie had two Free Throws...she did great and got the last one. Finally gave them one point on the board...Go Addie.

Well the girls still lost the game. Only 3 points scored, but Adelyn did great!!
Nick had to miss this game also because he is stuck at home with the flu! Oh no I hope we don't all get it. He is miserable.
Cambrie, Addie, Tinsley and Abby.
Tonight Adelyn got to go to her first HOTEl party! Tinsley turned 9. I snapped one picture before I left. 12 girls were staying the night in the suite with Crystal but I didn't feel comfortable letting Addie stay in a hotel yet and with so may girls. So she played games, ate pizza, played laser tag and went swimming. She had a blast and won the I know the most about Tinsley game...Smoothie King Gift Card!! Great job Addie!

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