Sunday, January 25, 2015

January 17th (Kitties and date night!!)

Here is Rosie...she is just the sweetest cat! My parents have some cool cats!

Today we went and visited my family while Daddy was at work. We ate goodcents for lunch and hung out with all the cats. We stayed till about 1 and headed home to so mommy to get ready for her dinner date with Daddy!
Season's 52 at the Plaza
(Restaurant Week)
Appetizer...flat bread pesto chicken...this was awesome! Have to learn how to make this at home!!
Nick got pork tenderloin and I got filet minion!! It was soooo good!
It was warmer today so we got to walk around the plaza after our early 4 pm dinner. It is also the last night for the plaza lights...pretty cool! We also hit up a couple of stores including zoom the toy store. Got some things for the girls that were on clearance!
Where we ate! I am getting good at these

It was such a nice evening and the restaurant week was a lot of fun. We will have to do it next year. Thanks Sherri for watching the girls!

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