Saturday, January 17, 2015

January 16th (Eating with Adelyn)

Today Ella and I headed up to eat lunch with my favorite lunch date...Adelyn!! She requested her normal...pretzel with cheese from Q-trip. lol. Oh and a slushy! I love being able to go eat with her and Ella also enjoys it. We went outside with her for just a little bit on the playground since it is almost 60 degrees out....whoop whoop!! But since there are around 125 kids outside it is hard to contain Ella!
This afternoon our friends the Washington's came bye to play along with Jasmine. Fun afternoon.
And to top it off we made yummy chicken kabobs and got dairy queen since Addie has been finally sleeping good at night again! Sunday we are going to get a fish if she sleeps through the night for the next two nights! She is super excited...mommy and daddy not so much. lol

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