Thursday, January 1, 2015

December 31st (Happy New Years Eve!!)

New Year's Eve playing kid games.
Eating dinner....Mac n Cheese with fish sticks.
Enjoying her mac n cheese.
Loved her fancy cup.

                                                     Family photo before the end of 2014!!
She fell asleep finally around 10pm. And then around 12:30 sat straight up on the couch and kept 
Well tonight we played games with the girls. And then Ella went to bed around 8 pm then Addie watched a movie while Nick and I enjoyed filet minion, crab legs, twice baked potatoes, bread and some champagne for me! The food was amazing and nice to just eat slowly!!
After Adelyn fell asleep we headed out to the hot tub. It felt so good since it was super cold out..18 degrees!!
Then after about an hour we headed in a watched music videos before going to bed around 2 am!!
Happy New Year Everyone!!

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