Monday, June 4, 2012

May 28th (ADELYN'S 3rd BIRTHDAY...Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!

Opening presents in the morning.
Belle Barbie.

Big Belle Doll and Doll Dress.
Cute picture of Kelsey and Adelyn.
Face painting at our neighbors.
Awesome job.
Off to Chuckie Cheese we go!!

Grandma Joy
 Adelyn wanted a picture with her kitty.
 Trying to sit up on her own already at 3 months.
 Laughing..I thought this picture was funny of her with her hands under her belly.
 Nana and Nanu came by for homemade pizza, cookie cake and presents.
Today was such a fun filled birthday for our big girl Adelyn!! We started off the morning with presents from mommy and daddy along with yummy donuts. Then we headed up the street for free face painting and cotton candy at our neighbors promoting her business. Ate some lunch at home and headed out to Adelyn's choice...Chuckie Cheese!! We had lots of fun and won many tickets, especially Daddy.!!! Last we came home to make homemade pizza, cheese sticks and to hang with Nana and Nanu. Addie got two new games!! Woo Hoo. Then she blew out her candles and we enjoyed a delicious cookie cake by me!! Great Day...and I hope it was a great 3rd birthday my little girl!

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