Wednesday, June 27, 2012

June 23rd (Car Show)

Auntie Lisa stopped by to visit!!
Today we went to the car show to see Nanny, Grandma, PaPa and some friends. Adelyn loved all the cars especially the purple car we saw.
Me and my hubby.
Ella Boo. (Same outfit Adelyn wore at this age at the car planned)
Adelyn ate her 2nd lunch of the day...she ate about 10 pickles!! LOL
After the car show we got home to make brats, cheesy potatoes, and broccoli cheese for dinner. Daddy got me some champagne so I could have a little fun. We knew the kids would go to bed early since they didn't nap good all day. And luckily we were right...7:45 we were FREE to hang out with ourselves!! We didn't know what to we broke out Phase 10 and enjoyed some drinking and cards.
Then we saw the neighbors outside and headed over. We all decided to play Catch Phrase..such a fun game. Girls verse boys and for some reason us girls kept Fun times until 1 am!! Love were we live.

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