Sunday, June 10, 2012

June 6th (Spending the Night @ Grandma's)

 I love her sooo much...Love her laughing!!

 The pool is we went to the hot tub.

This afternoon we headed out to Olathe to stay the night at Grandma and Grandpa Livingston's. We got over there and went on a nice walk in the heat. LOL Grandma was not a fan but we made a little ways. Then we headed down to the pool and hot tub. That only lasted for about a half hour. Next Great Grandma and Grandpa came over for a yummy roast meal. We all talked and had a great time together.
Ella slept in her own room and went to bed easily. Then Adelyn got to lay in her own palate on the floor of Mommy's room..she didn't want to go to bed without mommy being in there but finally I convinced her.
My mom and I then stayed up till 11 pm talking like old was really nice. Can't wait to come over again.

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