Friday, March 2, 2012

February 29th (2 Week Check up/Simmon's visit)

My 2 girls looking cute...had to get some pictures!!

Serious Ella.

First big bow...with many more to come!! LOL

Bridget and Adelyn really missed each other!!

Erica finally got to hold Ella!!

Ella sucking her finger...ready to nurse!

Today was an eventful day. Daddy didn't end up working so he headed to our old new house I call it in Belton to start painting inside. Then Addie, Ella, and I went to Ella's 2 week check up at 10 am. It was my first outing by myself with went pretty well but Ella hates the carseat and cries a lot then in the car. Well the doctor said she looked great, her eye gunk is better and she weighs a big 8 lbs. 1 oz....which she was 7 lbs. 9 oz. at birth. She is such a porker!! LOL

Then after naptime Erica and Bridget stopped by to finally get to hold and see Ella. Adelyn and Bridget also got to play which had been awhile and they were super excited. Erica and I caught up. And Ella slept the majority of the time. Great time...thanks for coming by and for the gifts from the week before.

Also since Ella is such an eater I have been producing lots and lots of extra milk. I now have about 15 to 20 bags of 2 to 3 oz!! woo hoo Going to start the bottle in about 1 week. Oh yah!!

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