Monday, September 26, 2011

September 24th (3D's a GIRL!!)

This morning we went in to check out the baby and know for sure it was a girl. The doctor last monday said he thought it was a girl but not sure. So I just couldn't wait for another 4 weeks, so I found a great deal and we went in to a 3 D ultrasound. Well we were there for almost 2 hours since the little baby had the cord between the legs for 1 hour. So I had to get up to let Addie go potty and myself. Luckily the baby then moved and the cord came out and the baby is a GIRL!! I knew that it was a girl from the beginning..I felt really bad for Nick since he was wanting a boy. Well now he will have to deal with 3 women for the rest of his life!! LOL So excited for cutie baby girl clothes and bows.

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