Friday, September 2, 2011

August 24th (Florida here we come!!)

On the airplane!! She did really good.

Waiting to get our rental car.

This is what we got to see leaving the Florida airport.

Asleep right after we got in.

Play area at our condo.

We saw these little lizards cute.

At Sea World...the Shamu Killer Whale Show!!

Mommy and Baby...there were about 3 baby whales.

Adelyn just loved the show...she clapped and was happy the whole time.

This was a big block of ice...Addie loved touching it

Adelyn's favorite the carousel.

I actually got to touch the sting ray...Nick tried but was a little nervous. LOL

Family pic by the aquariums.

This was awesome you got on a escalator thing and it took you under the water were sharks and fish swam over you and around you. One of my favorite things.


Showing a little belly in this picture.

Today was a long fun day going to Florida and going to Sea World. Well Nick and I got up at 3:00 am and got Addie up right at 3:30 so we could catch our 6:10 flight. Addie was actually in a great modd and didn't mind getting up so early. So we grabbed so McDonalds and Nicks mom. Dropped off Reesie and headed to the airport.

We had one stop in St. Louis for a short lay over and then we were in beautiful Florida by 10:50 am. (1 hour time difference) Addie fell asleep once we got our rental car and we headed towards are condo in Kissimee. Got some lunch and waited about an hour to get into our condo after it was cleaned.

After Nick ran up to the store for some groceries for the week we hit the 15 minute drive to Sea World. Adelyn just loved Sea World, we got wet at first since it rained off and on. We went from 3 to 7 to Sea World. Headed back to the condo and went to bed early to get up for Disney World!!!

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