Saturday, September 17, 2011

August 30th (Magic Kingdom/Going Home)

Our Condo we stayed in. Great location and big!!

One more time at Disney World.

We got there before they opened so we got to see the train come in with all the characters and princess'.

We came back 5 days later and they had decorated for fall already!! It looked really cool.

Can't get enough pictures of this castle!!

On our way to Adventure Land...we didn't have enough time the first day.

Adelyn loved the flying rides the best.

Pirates of the Carribean was really cool...Addie was a little scared but it was fun.

Tree House.

Adelyn loved this play area. She did it on both days. Daddy got to go on the Scary Train Roller Coaster while we played.

Got a popcorn snack...Addie also brought her Minnie Mouse Stuffed Animal she picked out.

Haunted Mansion...Adelyn covered her eyes the whole time. We enjoyed.

Our last ride was the Winnie the Pooh ride...but Addie was ready to go.

This was an awesome 3D show that had blowing and water that went on you. Really cool.

Cinderella's family.

Before we left the princess' came out and were was really neat.

Then it was Peter Pan's turn.

Today we went to the Magic Kingdom, one more time before we went on the airplane. It was so much fun and we did lots of fun rides that we didn't get to do the first time. We also got to see lots of characters which was awesome. We then left to eat lunch at the Yucky Planet Hollywood...not good at all. Then off to the airport we went. We finally got home at 7:30 pm.

Side Note: Unfortunately when we got home we had the news that Reesie had run away from Nick's parents house on Saturday. We miss her dearly.

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