Lets go Attack.
It would be so nice to end with a metal!!
They played really well and ended with 2nd place!!
Great job girls!! You played so well this season!
Medal time.
Ava always a character. It's her last volleyball game with club! She is very involved in band and theater. So she is giving up Volleyball, it just isn't her passion anymore. We will miss her.
She is crying like a baby, poor thing.
Addie's turn.
Lil's turn. It's her last time playing club volleyball as well.
Luckily her Dad, Coach Elijah is still going to coach us next year!
Lil giving her Dad his medal!
So proud of you!!
Love them!
We all headed to The Courthouse Exchange for dinner! End of the season celebration!
We all put in money for the coaches! They deserve it!! Thanks for everything you did for our girls!
Love this team!! We have really became of family over the last 3 years!

Great day!
Time to eat and get home as soon as possible! I am tired!!