Nick got the new window framed in for our new walk in closet area.
Tonight is Homecoming for Olathe East.
Kaia and Lillian came over a little earlier to get dressed before we took pictures.
Luckily the rain let up just in time to go take some outdoor pictures of these 3 girls.
These 3 look great!!
Look how beautiful she looks!!
I love the green on her.
Kaia looking beautiful as well.
Lillian looking sharp.
Look how cute they are.
My freshman looking so grown up!
Being silly.
They were getting sick of
Wanted a picture of the back of her dress.
Lillian with her parents.
Have fun girls!!
Going to Texas Roadhouse for dinner just the 3 of them.
Headed to the restaurant with Lillian's Parents.
Dance pictures!

Hanging out watching tv waiting for the girls to call me to pick them up.
Oliver wanted to come cuddle with me.
They called around 10ish.
Came back and the girls stayed the night!
I made them popcorn and gave them candy.
Happy girls that had lots of fun!!